“Come, let’s go up to the mountain of ADONAI, to the house of the God of Jacob!”
-Isaiah 2:3
Upon landing at Ben Gurion airport, you join in with the spontaneous applause and cheer as the excitement of actually being in Israel overwhelms you. Walking through the airport to Passport Control and then on to Baggage Claim causes the anticipation of seeing Israel proper to rise within you. As we leave Baggage Claim and enter the lobby of the airport, the atmosphere thickens with cries and laughter as loved ones are reuniting with each other. We meet our guide who ushers us to the bus where we are introduced to our driver. The sky and air feel cleansing to the spirit as we board our bus for the journey to our hotel. You will soon encounter the spirit of God as He reveals His Son to you through the land, the sites, the people and through the Word, which always comes alive in Israel!
Spring 2022 Israel Tour
Below are a few pictures of our tour group arriving in Israel.
CLICK HERE to view all the pictures of our Spring 2022 Tour.